Margo Sarkisova — Of War & Peace

Black Sun Rising — 2022 PVC Print


Margo Sarkisova (Born 1997, Ukraine) is an Assyrian artist whose work in drawing and printmaking uses mythology and natural symbolism to explore themes of identity, culture, home and belonging.

Isadore&Dunn Gallery is proud to present these drawings and prints from her time in 2022 after being forced to give up her studio and home in Kharkiv, to flee west to Lviv.

Red Floods — 2022 Ink Drawing

“It’s about planting good seeds of intention that translate to deeds free of violence towards yourself and others. Gardeners know that all seeds will grow at the right time. We need more people with this mentality for our future.” 

—Margo Sarkisova, writing about Gardener Mentality

Initiation IV - Flower Identity, 2020


Sarah Gibeault and Evan DiLeo are co-founders and gallerists at Isadore&Dunn, championing thoughtful art and encouraging a deeper love of culture through education around contemporary art and art history.

Tracey Emin Speaks with Jerry Saltz at NYAA


Wendy Trusler